NusantaraMaju endeavors to generate reasonable and sustainable returns on shareholders’ investments and minimize the risks.
We always keep our lines of communication open for all stakeholders to get the financial information they require. We regularly share with our partners and stakeholders the relevant, complete, and accurate information in a timely manner.
Ideal asset allocation involves a mixed range of aggressive to safe investments that aim to deliver a total return over time with minimal risk. We develop financial portfolios that balance investor needs against their tolerance for risk in order to create more stable portfolios.
Steady returns on investment are expected while growing portfolio, depending on the ability to handle investment strategies, systems, finances, and managing investment options. It can also be multiplied through the investment of realized profits over set periods of time.
12th Fl, Menara Batavia
Jl. KH Mas Mansyur, Kav 126
Jakarta 10220
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